A review by holtfan
Fever Crumb by Philip Reeve


This book gets two stars because the beginning interested me and because the writing was kinda good.
Otherwise...it just didn't do it for me. At all. While the plot elements reminded me of a combination of
[b:The Lab|5332742|The Lab|Jack Heath|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1267387470s/5332742.jpg|5400228] and [b:Skulduggery Pleasant|2039283|Skulduggery Pleasant (Skulduggery Pleasant, #1)|Derek Landy|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1255642045s/2039283.jpg|909082] I found it rather lacking.
Fever (what kind of a name is Fever anyway?) Crumb has been raised by a bunch of old guys who shave their heads bald and work at being rational. No emotions. And they live in a giant head where the door is a nostril. Fever, at fourteen, is their youngest and only female member. The story begins with her being sent off to help the archaeologist Kit Solent at his new dig. Suddenly she starts experiencing weird memories and emotions that aren't her own, knowing things she shouldn't know, and getting herself tangled up in an invading army...
Sooo, yeah. If the plot stuck to the little synopsis on the back, it might have been good.
The beginning wasn't to bad. It was interesting and I thought I might learn to like Fever, Dr. Crumb, and even Kit Solent. But then it started getting weird. Invading armies, different races, ruling overlords all got jumbled and confusing. I started getting bored with the plot, reading only because I liked the way the words worked together. (like I said, good writing)
It was disturbing and weird and overall, I wouldn't recommend it. I know it tries to set up for a sequel, but I have no interest in reading it.