A review by kcsunshine25
The Bet by J.D. Hawkins


Part 1

Four minutes.

What can you accomplish in four minutes? You can't learn how to dance a tango, but you could dance one (I was watching Strictly Come Dancing when I wrote this).

You could, however, find a star and wish upon it then just as you reach to grasp it, it slips away, like a snowflake in L.A.

Brando - yes he is a player. Big...Bold...Brash...Brando. Surf dude! But bless his little cotton socks, he has a heart as big as the universe. He falls hard. He falls fast.

JD Hawkins writes with humour. He writes like he enjoys the ride. He writes with conviction in his story and conviction in his characters. I applaud him, the boy has done so well. Long may it last.

Bravo, Brando. Now win back your snowflake.

Part 2

In honour of this book I'm wearing my California t shirt today. I'm channelling my inner Haley. Sadly, I can't play guitar and even more sadly, the kids cry when I sing.

Poor Brando. Dumped and alone with only a bottle of booze to keep him company. Chin up babe! You just need to work hard to win her back.

"You're a couple of video games and a superhero poster away from regressing into a reclusive teenager."

Our Italian Stallion rides again. He is smooth like a good quality chocolate. He is solid like marble. He is sexy as sin.

Lexi is a total bitch. I want to beat her about the face with a big stick and put superglue in her latex dress. She's a mix of Kim Kardashian and Jessica Rabbit in my imagination. Double crossing, nasty piece of work!

Part 2 ties up some loose ends. Brando thinks Haley's mum is a MILF. Chill - I don't mean he goes there!

Can wholesome goodness triumph over the plastic strumpet?
Can Brando win back his snowflake?
Can Haley forgive and forget?

JD has given up his day job to write full time. With books like this, I am delighted he made that decision. It is witty, humourous in parts, paced well and sexy. There is a refreshing lack of editorial mistakes - which do make me grind my teeth. I think I said before that JD writes like he enjoys the story and loves his characters. It gives a real the warmth to his books.

So here's the thing. I really like Jenna. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking. Aspiring actress, hotshot Irish actor (in a committed relationship so no shenanigans) could give her a leg up...tahdah! Off you go JD.

I'm loving the extras in The Bet. And since I read Brando, I found his song. Polaroid by Imagine Dragons will forever make me think of Brando Nash.