A review by ajenkins979
Forged by Greed by A.O. Peart


I was given this book by the author for an honest review.
This was my first real shifters book and YA book. I did enjoy and truly give four stars. I found the story, the characters and the writing intriguing and after the half way point I didn't want to put it down.
The story involves two races of shifters, the Summer and Winter races; a romance (not quite forbidden but frowned upon); a big event to come and friendship.
The title of the book fits the story wonderfully, because in the end it all for Greed, but the teens are forged together and luckily all the friendship and bonds are there.
I do recommend this book to teens and adults. The only thing I didn't like it that, there was a lot of emphasis on the details and brands of clothing. For the YA readers that may be ok, but for older readers annoying.