A review by ambersbooknest
Eyes on Me by Sara Cate


I'm not gonna lie this is one of the few tropes that I avoid completely, Step-Siblings. But, it was one of the squares on @thesmuthood Trope Bingo, so I caved. Someone recommended this book to me for this topic, and I have been blown away by it. I did not anticipate it to be so darn good, needless to say, I ended up purchasing the whole series. This was perfect I don't even know what to say in this review, besides that you should go read it for yourselves. I have no idea what was in this book but I would like to box it up and keep it for myself, so I can forever feel the high that I had while reading it.

"That’s my trigger. The thing that sends me back into the dark, safe confines of my bed for the fourteenth day in a row. A black rubber band. A solitary reminder that she was here, she was happy, she was mine…and I ruined it."