A review by berls
Grave Dance by Kalayna Price


This review first appeared at Fantasy is More Fun.

Note: There are some spoilers from Grave Witch in this review. Sorry!

Before I finished Grave Witch I started downloading Grave Dance from my Audible library onto my phone. Because I knew I wouldn't want to waste even one minute after finishing Grave Witch before starting Grave Dance. Yes, I'm that hooked. Alex Craft is a drug and I really don't know what I'm going to do when I have to start quitting her. But let's not think about that for now 'kay?

As an aside I just have to say that I love title of this book because it's kinda brilliant in a sick way. I love titles that tell you a lot about a book but you have to read it to get it. That it chooses a fairly disturbing part of the book just makes it that much better. But you're going to have to read it to get it. *snickers*

I was giddy about the role of the fae in Grave Witch, but if I were to tell you what that book was about, the fae would be more of a side note for me - perhaps just because so much else was going on. But that's not the case with Grave Dance - this book has shifted the fae to a front and center position. Yay!! For one, Alex killed a fae at the end of Grave Witch. Turns out that has all sort of repercussions. Fun ones and terrifying ones. Particularly terrifying for a girl who lost a few days in faery not too long ago, when a fae tried to make her a slave and trapped Falin in the Never Ending Dance. The fae are tricky to deal with, so I don't blame Alex one bit for wanting to avoid them. Too bad that's not in the cards for her.

Not to mention, the case she's helping the police with as Grave Dance opens immediately involves the Fae, since she discovers a bunch of severed left feet (yes, no bodies, just feet), hidden by glamour. Glamour = Fae, which means in comes the FIB. Their involvement makes things super complicated, especially since they seem to be using the investigation as a license to mess with the independent fae in Necros, which includes Alex's friend and landlord - Caleb. So that puts things on a very personal level for Alex.

Oh and then remember that patch of pure etheric energy that Alex created in her father's house at the end of Grave Witch? Well let's just say it's a BIG DEAL, way bigger than Alex knew and when another one of the patches show up, things start to get a bit MORE complicated for Alex with the FIB (who are controlled by the Queen of the Winter Court, BTW).

So much happened in Grave Dance and so much of it I feel like I can only dance around (hehehe I crack myself up! Such a dork :p). There's lots of mystery, lots of action, and lots of magic. The fae are front and center. And the main plot line ends of taking us a bit further into the world of Death and the soul collectors. We get plenty of Falin and Death - keeping me equally happy and frustrated. Those men are so sexy and so secretive and so damn infuriating at times! I know who I like best, but I'm happy to enjoy the ride and see what happens (yeah, it's a love triangle and somehow I don't even care).

Seriously folks, if you like Urban Fantasy at all, read this series. Better yet, listen to it. Emily Durante is a fantastic narrator and only adds to my enjoyment of the series. She nails the voices, the pacing and the emotions. Obviously I'm so reading the next book ASAP.

5 stars Flipping Fantastic