A review by angrygreycatreads
To Helvetica and Back by Paige Shelton


This is the first in a new series revolving around a vintage typewriter and book repair shop, The Rescued Word, in Star City Utah. Clare works with her grandfather in the shop alongside a cat named Baskerville. An old friend of her grandfather’s brings in a typewriter to be repaired and it kicks off the mystery. Soon there is a murder in the alley behind the shop and Clare finds herself involved in the investigation. Her best friend is a police officer, which gives her an inside track as she gets follows the clues. There is also a romantic subplot developing along with the mystery.

A really engaging theme, at least to me having learned to type on a manual typewriter in Heidelberg Middle School back in the dark ages and I would think to lovers of anything vintage to do with books and writing. The story starts slowly, it took a little bit to draw me in as the background was developed, but then it took off. The last 2/3 of the book was great, fast paced and really interesting with references to the old mines, former crimes, mistaken identity and old secrets. I enjoyed reading this and would recommend it to readers of cozy mysteries.