A review by jmarryott23
Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All by Michael Shellenberger

challenging informative medium-paced


Apocalypse Never is the second book I’ve read by Shellenberger after San Fransicko. I’m by no means a climate expert so reading this book helped to inform me a bit more on the subject. Shellenberger is clearly someone who believes humans are a big part of the climate changing, but he also believes much of the doomsday predictions and arguments are silly - he really does tackle many of them with facts and studies to back him up. And based on the limited amount that I know I tend to agree with him both about his belief in climate change and about how the doomsday predictions are either overly extreme or a push for political policies to be approved. I would bet many people would be shocked at some of the statistics in this book, such as the rate of natural disasters and the death tolls significantly declining in many aspects recently. 

Many of the biggest proponents of policies to fight climate change have larger carbon footprints than most anyone, not to mention multiple homes on properties that in theory would be at risk if climate predictions came true (DiCaprio, Gore, Prince Harry, etc.). The author covers this and much more in great detail. However, some chapters were less interesting to me than others (people going vegan for climate change). The lack of a chapter on electric vehicles also seemed like a missed opportunity. Overall, it was worth reading for the new information I learned in it.