A review by aidnoah
Brooklyn Rose by Ann Rinaldi


The summary piqued my interest. Not only that, but I’ve hit a point in my reading life that made me want to read historical novels – getting a feel of how much we have changed since such times.

Ann Rinaldi is a renowned author of historical novels, and in this one she delves into the past of her own family. The story sounded pretty unique, if not for its own time than for ours.

However, the thought of a fifteen year-old marrying someone who is thirty… having a baby at that age, I couldn’t believe it, and was distantly disgusted. Not overly so, because I also understand that that is what people did back then. But even so….

The ending was far too abrupt. I turned the page, expecting to know more, see more of what happened with Charlotte, but there was nothing. Nothing except and author’s note, and certainly no promise that there would be a continuation. Such a drop-off ending for a singular novel infuriates me, and was one of the reasons I gave this book the rating that I did.