A review by theliteraryhooker
Hot Splices by Mike Watt


**Initial review HERE on Sci-Fi & Scary.**

My initial review was written after I'd finished the core story but before I read the "deleted scenes." Sadly, in my opinion, those scenes would have been better off deleted for real. My original review was maybe not glowing, but there were enough positives there for me to feel okay about a generous 3 star rating with the caveat that I was maybe not the right audience for this book. Unfortunately the deleted scenes really tainted my whole experience.

Throughout the book, there's very much the feeling that nearly all the female characters are sexualized to the point of it being almost their only feature. I could look past it in the main story since every single character, male or female, is damaged as all get out, but once I got to the three short stories at the end, it wasn't something I could look past. All three stories are pretty unkind to their female (and female-presenting) characters. And not in a "bad things happen to them" kind of way but in a way that feels excessively violent. It really shifted how I viewed the issues I had with the treatment of the female characters in the main story, and completely limited my enjoyment of these "deleted scenes."

**I received a free copy of this book from Blackthorn Book Tours and Mike Watt in exchange for honest review.**