A review by vikingwolf
The Fire Rose by Mercedes Lackey


Rosalind is destitute and accepts a strange offer from a rich recluse to live at his house and read to him from his books through an intercom.She enjoys the luxury of her surroundings,the job itself is good and it allows her to read books that interest her when not working.The only down side is the creepy fellow employee Paul who has an obvious interest in her.And why can she never meet Jason,her employer?What is his secret?
First of all,if you want to keep it a secret why the man has to hide away and not be seen,don't spoil it by SHOWING why on the cover!I laughed when I received this as a bookcrossing ring book as it totally gave away the plot before I even opened the book!Not much action but well written to keep you interested though it was pretty obvious what was going to happen by the end of the book.Not a bad read but not enough suspense or twists to make me read the rest of the series.