A review by blodeuedd
Hidden by Rebecca Zanetti


Pippa is running from something in her past. I felt sorry for her, I would have run too. Ugh her mother is all I am saying! Worst mother of the year. So she stays mostly indoors, has one friend and then one day a sexy guy moves into the house next door.

Malcolm, Malcolm, yes he likes Pippa from the start, but the lies man, the lies! And again, totally understandable. He needs lies. It is his job. But he is a good guy that just wants to protect the weak.

I want to say more, but, ok so the thing does come up quickly, but I still do not want to talk about it. It has a better feel if one does not know why she hides or what he is doing. But I liked it. It was creepy. A running from worthy.

They get close. She wants to be normal, he falls in love. But the secrets, the secrets! And then there is drama and suspense too as the lies are catching up and baddies are coming.

I enjoyed it. A nice amount of romance and suspense.

I actually liked the voice for another guy better than the main. The main was ok, but it was just so manly and rough. Ha. He was such a male.

But yes as you can see the voices were distinct and I liked that. I knew where I had everyone. He did the drama, romance and suspense well too.