A review by ricefun
The ADHD Effect on Marriage: Understand and Rebuild Your Relationship in Six Steps by Melissa Orlov


It took me months to read and digest this self-help book about being in a relationship with an ADHD partner. My boyfriend and I are not married, nor do we share a home or children. So, at first I was put off by the premise that this was addressing people in a marriage, when that is not my case. However, once I got past this block and into these stories and suggestions, I saw myself and my partner in so many similar situations and communication challenges. I was encouraged by the suggestions in this book, especially to re-frame arguments as a new opportunity for deepening connection, instead of a chance to bludgeon my partner with any prior annoyances or infractions. It also reminds us that consistent dialog, and finding the right help through professional therapists, service providers, and doctors, is essential to this relationship instead of simply something nice to fall back on. As he and I continue to explore our relationship, I know that the concepts in this book will help us build stronger foundations for our life ahead - marriage or no marriage.