A review by katleap
Angels of Darkness by Meljean Brook, Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews


4.5 Stars

I bought this anthology for Ilona Andrew's Alphas. I read part of the story when it was on her blog and enjoyed it.

Angel's Wolf - Nalini Singh
I haven't read anything by Ms. Singh but she has been on my list, specifically her Archangel series. I enjoyed this short a lot. I will be moving this series up on my to-read stack.

Alphas: Origins - Ilona Andrews
I bought the book for this story and was not disappointed. I loved the dark sci-fi take on origins and angels. I thought the powers were wicked cool and the intriguing. I hope to see a continuation of this world in the future.

Nocturne - Sharon Shinn
I am a fan of Sharon Shinn. I own her 12 houses series and I enjoy rereading those books. I have not read her Samaria series. It seems I may have to investigate it. The idea of a blind angel learning to fly is awesome. I also really enjoyed the narrator's voice.

Ascension - Meljean Brook
I enjoyed this novella a lot. Especially because I have hits and misses with Ms. Brooks, particularly with her Guardians series. The illusions, dyed skin and the identity of the antagonist all made for an enjoyable read.

Overall I like the anthology very much.