A review by charlieteuthis
The Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White


The strongest aspect of this book were the characters, though probably more in relation to everyone but Guinevere herself. There were a lot of interactions I absolutely adored and were a delight to read! The author has a great grasp on how to write compelling character interactions and dialog. However, I could not tell you one of Guinevere’s personality traits without having to think hard about her.

Another issue about this story was that a lot of it felt like set up to the main plot. Most of the book felt like waiting around for things to happen. Even a lot of the character dynamics felt like set up for something more important. Some of the dynamic I feel like benefitted from the slow pace, but others felt odd to not to address much, especially in the love triangle.

There are a lot of really bold and creative choices the author makes, yet many of them fall flat. At times they shine because of those fantastic character interactions I mentioned, but when examined overall they’re just a bit strange, especially in the context of the story drawing upon arthurian legends. Part of the issue with this is that the author seems to struggle to fully commit to these strong choices.

I honestly wish that the last 65 pages were what the rest of the story was like. This is where things got really interesting. Even then, there were some odd choices that I felt like somewhat contradicted things that were previously established. The villain is also set up to be super evil and I found myself…kind of rooting for her, or at least having no moral problems with her. The explanation of who she is and what she’s like doesn’t feel that bad to me. I even agree with some of her points. I can’t tell what moral angle the story is going for in decisions people make in relation to the villain, but it doesn’t seem like an intentional lack of clarity. It was at this point that I also realized that the villain’s goals are a little unclear. I can barely tell you what she wants and I could not tell you why.

Overall, while this book did get some pretty strong reactions from me from great character moments, the plot is poorly paced and suffers from a lack of commitment.