A review by oliviasfantasyreads
Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione


I never write reviews… but for the stress this book put me through I’m giving up my review cherry… willingly… not in some ploy to steal my child.

Here we go…

Honestly could have done without the whole first half of the book.
It just pissed me off how they treated the main guy.

Poor dude has been deprived sex for thousands of years because he doesn’t want to be the reason the apocalypse starts…
His virginity is the seal that if broken turns him evil and kicks off dooms day!

So virgin boy is doing a banging (or not) job of keeping his horse dick at bay…
Only to lose his virginity by getting violated by some chick who works for this ass hat agency….
An agency who is all aware that he’s a 4 horse man… death to be specific… and has some crazy abilities…
but I guess they found a scroll that said get his baby and save the world…
So send in the girl no one likes to get knocked up!

This was all last book FYI. Now for this book.

So buddy who kept his dick in check for a billion years for mankind gets kind of pissed that his first time sucked.

I feel that.

So being a 4 horseman he does some magical wave of death on accident and kills a lot of people.

Completely justified in my eyes.
I’d be pissed too.

So what do his loving horse siblings do…
put him into a freaky paralysis where he was still awake…
just chilling in his mind unable to move or talk
(AWAKE movie vibes).

So basically now we’re torturing a guy who has had sex once in 5 million years and it wasn’t even good.

Then he comes out of that paralysis and finds out he’s going to be a daddy!

Yay, something good!

But wait baby mama is giving the kid away because she doesn’t think she’d be a good mama.

But you intentionally got pregnant!!!! Whatever.

Then buddy finds out his unborn child is now his seal that could start the apocalypse…

Dude could have been having sex the whole 80 Million years he held out because that wasn’t even his freakin agamortis!!!!

And damn horse man got her knocked up on the first try! (I know some Shady magic was used)

So everyone, including his siblings, STILL thinks giving the child away is a good idea.
Because main dude is a danger…

Well maybe if everyone stopped torturing buddy he’d calm the f down.
Just sayin.

So newly popped cherry boy is like f that, I’m keeping my child!

So buddy kidnaps prego baby mama.
Which probably the only time ever I’m okay with this.
Yes sir go get your baby.

Turns out baby mama works for some ass hats who treat her like shit… but she’s all “they’re family!”
It’s so annoying.
She still is all up their asses even when they kidnap her and tell her they’re going to sacrifice the pony baby she’s carrying.

“Oh they must be possessed or something. The mean people who always treat me like crap would never do anything like that”

Well they did.

Then to top off all this shit,
Buddy’s vampire family has some traitors in it and they all end up dead.

Damn, there was so much angst I was forcing my way through. Atleast 5 times I was going to DNF this mess.

Well good news is the second half was much better and less infuriating. Not enough to forgive the first half completely, but I’ll still read the next one.

Anyways hope y’all enjoyed.