A review by bookbae96
The Score by Kristen Proby



The Montgomerys are back, and I am loving it. THE SCORE, the third book in Kristen Proby's Single in Seattle series, is full of everything that I love about this big, boisterous, talented family, and it was a true pleasure to read.

Kristen Proby continues to write these characters so beautifully, and they are clearly very much a part of her. Sophie Montgomery is completely relatable, and if all pro athletes were like Ike Harrison, we'd all be very very lucky. These two and their story are probably my favorite in the series so far, and that's saying something. Seeing them deal with some of the hard things in life only makes them more real, and that they do it together and so supportively of each other made for a truly heartwarming read.

Catching up with the Montgomery clan at large is one of the best things about these books, and seeing all of the kids grown or almost grown is a hoot. I'm hoping that there are many more books coming our way, because these characters and their lives just never get old. Here's to family, especially the Montgomerys. May we know them for a long time to come. ❤️