A review by alangmead
Unscrewed: Women, Sex, Power, and How to Stop Letting the System Screw Us All by Jaclyn Friedman


At first I got the audiobook of this, and then reread it as a print book because something seemed to be missing and I thought a different context might help. At first I was hearing anecdotes and revolving around disparate issues and kept missing the helpful information that I knew must be there.

Then I read it, and understood it better. Many of the chapters have a pattern where describes an individual and the issues they've faced, then demonstrates how that fits into systemic issues of inequality, and then back to individuals working for solutions.

At first I was relieved when I realized where they solutions were and where they fit into the narrative. Then it started to gnaw on me that the solutions were all individualized, and although the people implementing them are helping numbers of people that it would be hard to scale most of them compared to the size of the problems described. By the end she talks me down from that despair. That the work from everyone, in whatever way they are capable, is what eventually be what is necessary.