A review by molls
Queen of Myth and Monsters by Scarlett St. Clair



The book is a mess. Maybe book 1 was the same and I was just in a different mood. Big reveals feel rushed/abrupt with basically no payoff, shoved in awkwardly between info dumps, flashbacks, and so many sex scenes. These two are ready to bang any time, even if it doesn't make sense at all, even if they were sad or at odds 30 seconds ago. Did Scarlett had a sex scene quota she needed to hit? I was saying "girl, seriously??" out loud. There are three or four chapters from Adrian's perspective that don't need to be. The magic system and the goddesses get more confusing rather than less, especially at the end. 

Maybe there are some cool concepts in here but they're poorly executed, which for me sucked all the enjoyment out of the reading experience. 

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