A review by echoingbooks
Leave the Lights On by Liv Andersson


*ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. *

Okay so this will most probably be a short review as I am currently vey annoyed with my very slow laptop. I had some trouble rating this book I mean I keep jumping between ratings but finally I decided on a 3 heart rating. This book was written well but I don't know I needed a bit more.

Now this story is about Beatrice who had plans to turn the abandoned asylum into a nice artist retreat in a small charming town of Cape Morgan, Maine. Her husband, Josh, cheating on her and him not knowing she knows.  Sadly both has secrets and slowly there lives start to unravel when the child of his affair with a younger woman is kidnapped. 

Now like I said before the writing was well done but there where times that I could figure things out before the main character did. I like mystery books that would keep me guessing until the very end and unfortunately for me this was not the one. Though this was a nice quick read for me to pass the time. Though I hate it when a book ends with a abrupt ending and I am not sure if this is felt by other readers but for me the story ending so abruptly and sadly also an anticlimactic ending.