A review by crookedtreehouse
The Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child #1 by Frank Miller


I've been a huge fan of Rafael Grandpa's work for over a decade now, and was excited to see him working on a major publisher's superhero book. I'm just sad that this is the book he's been given.

Miller's twenty-first century book is much maligned for being tone deaf and often outright bigoted garbage. I was relieved when I read his Dark Knight Children's Crusade to see Miller just writing a story that didn't stomp on the impoverished or non-white people.

This book is not problematic garbage. It's political but, compared to his previous work, downright progressive. But it's also Incredibly Boring.

I actually fell asleep twice trying to read this. I woke up with no memory of what I've read other than Superman's two kids have differing views on humans, and the younger one has an impossibly large head.

That's still all I can recall about this book.