A review by argyledinosaur
Seduced by Caelia Sky


A free book that I found on Google Play. It's only like, 30-something pages, so it's not really a book as much as a short story, but I digress.

Given how short it is I expected, and was okay with, the thin plot, and the tropey damsel in distress scenarios laid out in the book. Where I got annoyed was when Nero rescued her from the semi crashing into her or whatever, because that's too much like Twilight, but even then I pressed on. It goes from him rescuing her from being crushed by a semi, to him asking her if she would let him have sex with her (she's a virgin, go figure), and then jumps right into a sex scene.

I'm not naive, I know this book was written as erotica, and therefore the most important part of the story should be the sex.... having said that I didn't like the sex scene. I've read a lot of fanfiction that has better written sex scenes (fewer typos, better use of language,better knowledge of anatomy, etc.). Granted, a lot of it is just my nitpicky nature with sex scenes and specific words used in them. These "buzzwords" I'll call them, are almost all used by this author, and it's totally not for me to say that nobody should use these words. I'm sure that other people would have no problem with reading them. I just can't.

It's worth a read if you're looking for vampire related smut and want to be able to get through it quickly.