A review by natachareads
The Crown Tower - Free Preview (The First 5 Chapters) by Michael J. Sullivan



I picked this book after hearing some of my favourite Youtuber recommendations. The especially raved about the friendship in the books and I do love a good friendship in my story. And I wasn’t disappointed. I loved both Hadrian and Royce. Hadrian is the nice ex-soldier that is tiered for killing and don’t quite know what to do with himself and Royce is the mysterious and dark assassin that won’t think twice before cutting your throat. They couldn’t be any different and this is why when they come together they are amazing.

Things I liked:

-The writing was simple and nice, and the plot, as well as the world-building, were also simple which made the story very easy to read and follow. If you do like complicated world-building and magic system though you won't find it here.
-I think I made it clear that I love Hadrian and Royce. They are both amazing and very well written character with their own distinct personality. 
-I love seeing them getting to work with each other, and slowly turning this hate to a very strong friendship.
-This is the first book of the prequel series and this was a very nice story to introduce us to were it all started. The plot was simple and easy to follow but did its job.

Things I didn’t like:

-Throughout the story, we jump between Hadrian's and Gwen’s POV. Her POV was interesting but unfortunately, the two stories don't connect until the very last pages. Which, for me, felt like I was reading two different books in one. While reading Gwen's POV I found myself counting the pages to see when I'll be back with my two favourite characters because their story was the one I wanted to be reading about.