A review by nicola949
Special Forces - Mercenaries Part II by Aleksandr Voinov, Vashtan, Marquesate


"Once upon a time there was a Scottish SAS soldier in Kabul. He met a Soviet soldier. They were enemies at first, then shagged for nine years, fell in love at some stage. Dragons, battles, and damsels in between, until an evil wizard took the Spetsnaz away. The Scot and the damsel battled the vile foes, until the Russian returned but the evil spell still had him in its claws. More dragons, battles, knights in not-so shiny armour later, the spell got broken, the Princes got reunited, and our Russian and Scotsman kind of lived happily even after"
Absolutely love this series! Can't believe how passionately I feel about Dan and Vadim - their story just draws me in! Can't believe how it has ended and need to get started on Veterans immediately!