A review by vicki_williams
Beautifully Unexpected by Lily Morton


The writing ability of this author never ceases to amaze me. Before opening a page I know that the balance between plot, pacing and the characters will be perfect and this book is no exception.

Magnus and Laurie are strongly developed characters that had me in hysterics. The non stop witty banter and deadpan humour made for a very enjoyable romantic comedy reading experience. Their initial meeting is arguably one of the funniest I’ve read and it involves creative use of a haberdashery item. I so enjoyed watching grumpy Magnus begrudgingly reveal the person that only Laurie can see and all the lighthearted moments shared between them.

They become friendly and that friendship evolves into more when they can no longer deny the chemistry between them. Whilst that leads to many a steamy moment, it doesn’t automatically lead to an HEA. That only comes when a mystery is revealed and the subsequent crises is overcome.

This was a one sitting read for me that captured my heart and had me constantly laughing out loud.