A review by andeez
Boots on the Ground: America's War in Vietnam by Elizabeth Partridge


I'm 48 years old. I've learned more about Vietnam in these pages than I ever have in school. Is this a fault of my own? A lot. Is this a fault of our school curriculums? I think a big "YES".

Partridge takes us into the stories of the people who were there: soldiers, nurses, refugees. We learn their backgrounds, their war experience, their war beliefs, and what happened after the war. We learn that controversy didn't stop after the war - it continued on to the war memorial. I didn't want the book to end. The photographs were beautiful. I feel like I know these people now.

I'm proud to have this in our school library, but I think I need this for my personal library. Read this book. Inform yourself. Especially in this time of political upheaval - it will remind you we've pretty much always been a mess.