A review by abigcoffeedragon
5,000 Words Per Hour: Write Faster, Write Smarter by Chris Fox


Like a great many books out there to tell you one way of writing, they will either hit the mark with you or miss it completely.

This one hits the mark and has a small bit of motivation in it to boot. I would say that this rates up there with Stephen King's Memoirs for the Information / inspiration split. Though, this is a much shorter and practical guide, though there is no formula, which is what makes this work for me. Because writing is not a formula, and once writers grasp that, and focus on their attack of their writing, or 'approach' for a less aggressive term, then you can find a way to make it happen.

Though this was not written for me, I feel like the information inside was tailored very much to my personality. We will see how it does, because now, I am armed with the information, and it is up to me to implement.