A review by bfdbookblog
Designs of Desire by Tempeste O'Riley


3.5 stars

overall, i liked this story. i've never read a story with a disorder like james. i liked james and respected his strength even after everything he's been through. his family is garbage and the men that he's been with that abused him were all miserable human beings. i thought his awkwardness and shyness were endearing. seth was a bit harder to figure out. he was dominant at times but a bit reserved at other times. i liked that he was able to look past james' disability to see the man behind the 'sticks'.

i liked most of the supporting cast, especially chase. i'm definitely interested in reading his story.

things that i didn't like or that bothered me a bit:
- i dislike the endearment 'pet'...even though seth's reasoning for using it was viable, i just don't personally like it.
- they never really discussed the D/s elements of their relationship and then all of a sudden james was calling seth 'sir' occasionally.
- at times the dialog seemed awkward, especially considering seth was supposedly a wealthy, refined, influential man.