A review by jbrooxd
A Lady Compromised by Darcie Wilde


[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

3.5 stars = Good+

I enjoyed spending time with my favorite characters from this delightful series! The mystery here is meaty and really pushes Rosalind. I felt like there was so much going on here that if I had been reading it in snippets rather than in two sittings, it would have been easy to lose the threads of the story. There is a LOT going on here.

This book was Rosalind's chance to see if she and Devon could reclaim the relationship they once had. This is a match I have never loved, so I was not as attached to that part of the story as I was to the twisty mystery. The epilogue is a great teaser for what might be coming next for Rosalind, and I am here for it.