A review by chelseayedinak
Obie Is Man Enough by Schuyler Bailar


Disclaimer: I received an e-ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Oh my GOD this book! From the moment it started, I felt for Obie. Every time he got in the pool, every race, every school interaction, every struggle, I was cheering him on (sometimes out loud). This book so easily could have crossed the threshold into melodrama, but it had such a strong heart that it kept me hooked and invested the whole time. Obie is a transgender, biracial Korean American boy who just wants to be respected as he pursues his dreams and hobbies. He is a brilliant swimmer and writer who faces obstacles unique to the trans experience (e.g. transphobic bullying) but also universal problems (e.g. dating). I can only imagine how impactful this book could be in the hands of young trans readers searching for representation of their stories that features both the positives and negatives in sensitive ways and provides hope that there are more good people than bad.

If you're a cis reader, I recommend you check this out to have a small glimpse into the struggles and joy of trans experiences. If you're a trans reader, I recommend checking this out to see the ways in which Obie's story might resonate with you or at least illustrate one of the infinite ways your own story could play out.

TW: transphobia, bullying, homophobia, cursing, physical violence, verbal abuse, outing someone