A review by soulkissed2003
One Day at Disney: Meet the People Who Make the Magic Across the Globe by Bruce Steele


My family loves Disney -- the theme parks, the movies, the characters. So when this book came out we certainly wanted to check it out. Many other families we knew were buying it up immediately, hopeful that their kids would enjoy it. While I did enjoy it, I'm glad I didn't rush out and purchase it at full price. I ended up requesting it from the local library instead. That was the right choice for us.

The book is a series of one or two page profiles of people who make the magic at Disney, across its many methods of entertaining fans. The concept is to take you through a day at Disney, around the world. This idea was nice in that it covered the parks and news outlets around the world, allowing a brief focus on many aspects of Disney, not just say, Magic Kingdom or Disneyland, for example.

My favorite pages were about everyday folks who keep the parks running and make a great experience for guests, like the retired nurse who works on Main Street USA in Orlando, or the actress who portrays Dory in the Finding Nemo show at Animal Kingdom. The photography is an important aspect of the book, and I enjoyed that as well. This would make a great coffee table book, but I'm not sure it's really meant to be the kind of book that you sit and read cover to cover. I found myself skimming over quite a bit of the text and focusing on what interested me most.

I'll be returning this to the library, and not making a purchase. It was fun but there are many other books out there to read. And while my kids occasionally peered over my shoulder and asked a couple of questions, this was not one that was geared towards children, and it's not something I think they would ever pick up on their own to flip through more than once or twice.