A review by kewlkat70
Pheromone by C.M. Stunich


CM Sturrich is fast becoming one of my favourite writers.  She is creative, has a great sense of fun and just doesn't take the genre that seriously.  She is also an expert erotica writer.

But I have to down vote this novel because the FMC is insufferable and  even TSTL at times.   I like her fire but she is so oppositional and stubborn it is grating at times.  I would have preferred her to be more resourceful in other areas beyond how to put alien sex organs to optimal use.  

I have high hopes for the rest of the series as we are introduced to the other MMCs but have yet to have them all in the same room.   The story dragged a bit when it was only Eve and Abraxas and mostly in Eve's POV.  Fingers crossed that we get more story from all POV to keep the pace going.