A review by beorn_101
Venom by Rick Remender: The Complete Collection Vol. 1 by Rick Remender


This was interesting. I have always found venom and the Symbiote fascinating, so naturally a story focused all around them was something i wanted to try.

This particular story should be called "Agent Venom" more then Venom, as for about 80% of the story Flash has the symbiote under tight control.

I found the concept of the government using this being to do covert operations interesting. It is obviously a recipe for disaster, but that doesn't make it any less of a fun ride.

Some highlights, Kraven the Hunter makes an awesome apperance. Flash is given a interesting backstory and exploration. The main villain behind the scenes has some real promise.

Things that didn't quite work. There are several moments where we just have to accept things, that made little sense. Vibranium bullets shred thru metal, but don't hurt the symbiote... The symbiote figured out one of the government's control devices on it, but doesn't really explain how. The symbiote is supposed to be permanently bonded to a user if in the suit past a certain time, not allowing use over this time is one of their safety precautions, so you can guess what thing they ignore....

In addition, we don't every really get to see agent venom match up against someone, most of the fights are introduced when they are half over, and every fight against someone who can stand up to Venom is ended by Venom running away for the more important objective. Not bad, but after over 100 pages I was hoping for one full fight.

All said and done I enjoyed this and will keep my eye out for volume 2, but I am not anxiously awaiting it.