A review by rebekahy
A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy by Sue Klebold


This was an interesting and difficult read. I can't even imagine trying to grieve for your child that you love while also hating what they have done in their last moments. This mother feels responsible when she literally had no idea what was about to happen. Looking back she can see red flags but honestly those red flags are also just troubled grumpy teenager moods that 80% of other mothers deal with that DONT end up in a school massacre. Hindsight let's us judge situations so differently to what we do in the moment. Her son was brought up in an average home with the same sort of rules as my house which is terrifying. An average kid can do a monstrous thing. The fact that she's gone on to educate about the signs to look for suicide and murder/suicide is admirable.