A review by magencorrie
Wings by Elizabeth Richards


4 stars

My Review:

I have enjoyed this series immensely. Wings was a great conclusion to this intense, dark, and unique world that Richards developed. Experiencing Ash and Nat's story, their love, has been quite the adventure.

I feel that both characters, Nat and Ash, have grown so much from the first book. Nat has definitely proven herself in Wings, earning my respect which she kind of lost in the last book. She has learned from her mistakes and she overcame the obstacles she faced. Watching her grow has been quite a delight.

I adore Ash. From the first book I was pulled into his dark allure and even darker world. But, like Nat, he has grown so much from the first book. Watching him step up to protect not only Nat, but his people was a joy to watch and it made me proud of his character.

Watching the love between Nat and Ash was another factor I so enjoyed. Yes, it had its angsty moments, but it really was a beautiful love. It definitely developed quite a lot and watching it truly grow between Nat and Ash was enjoyable. And it made up for the first book, which I felt had their love developing too fast for my taste. However, watching it grow was quite a joy to watch!

Elijah, can’t forget about him, was a character I’m glad who was introduced into the series. I loved the one-eighty he has done since Phoenix and watching him become, well, him made me really come to like his character.

There are so many characters in this book I would love mentioning, but I just don’t have time and I can’t really spoil anything. Something that I enjoyed, but that also broke my heart, was Richards’s ability to allow me to fall for a character and then have them ripped from the pages of her book. So many good characters pass away, though sad, it really brought the book a very much realistic factor I enjoyed.

As I have mentioned, I have enjoyed the dark, gritty, and alluring world that Richards created. She created her own paranormal world, building on old paranormal elements. She brought in freshness to some overused supernatural elements. Though I did figure out some of the plot twists, there were a few that took me by complete surprise! So many twists were done so well. Which, of course, I enjoyed so much. The buildup to the conflict was well done, the action never stopped and I enjoyed the pace.

All in all, I truly have enjoyed this series and though I hate to see it end, the ending was perfect, heart wrenching, and wrapped the story up so nicely. Fans of the series won’t be disappointed and I definitely encourage others to give the series a try. You might find the dark, uniquely paranormal twists refreshing and addictive.