A review by themaxdog
All My Secrets by Sophie McKenzie


Full review now up on my blog: http://www.thewritinggreyhound.co.uk/2015/06/book-review-and-giveaway-all-my-secrets.html

Before I read All My Secrets, I saw a lot of 2-3 star reviews. So with these in mind, I was expecting to be disappointed. However, I was actually pleasantly surprised.

Unlike a lot of YA fiction, I didn’t find it predictable. I hadn’t guessed what was going to happen until it actually happened, and the story was unexpected, peppered with exciting twists and turns. Similarly, I also liked that it was fast-paced and full of action and drama throughout. Just a dash of romance was nice too, rather than the love interest becoming the main focus of the story.

All the characters were interesting with different personalities that really made for an engaging and involving read. I particularly liked Pepper and Josh, although they all had their good points. The author has definitely managed to accurately capture the wide range of feelings and emotions that a group of ‘troubled’ teenagers would be experiencing in this situation.

I really enjoyed reading All My Secrets, and I’m sure you will too!