A review by jscarpa14
Delicate Freakn' Flower by Eve Langlais


I really should have written the review and marked this as read the first time I read it because I was more impressed with it then than now. This time I listened to the audiobook.

I like Naomi but sometimes her forceful reads as bratty and juvenile instead of strong and independent. And while I like Ethan and Javier their strong manly man sometimes reads as controlling and sexist. There's a general overtone between all the characters in this book that women need to be tamed and controlled by men and that they're incapable of protecting themselves and Naomi is oftentimes treated like a child that needs to be babysat rather than an adult women capable of making her own decisions and knowing her own wants and needs. I really loathe it when an adult female character is treated like a child by her male counterparts and don't in the slightest find it sexy. Two heads does not mean two brains.

The timeline is wonky first making it stretch and seem like Naomi is actually getting to know her mates and actually fall in love with them and then stating all of this happens over a few short days and again this didn't really work for me. Also maybe it was because I read this twice and remembered more details than I thought, but the mystery villain was fairly obvious from the first strike to me and I didn't like that catching him was more pointing the big strong men at the problem and having them save her than Naomi really saving or fighting for herself. It definitely added to the juvenile parts of her character and not in a good way.

That said I liked a lot of the banter and interplay between the leads and I adored how the men made an effort to be what she needed from a partner rather than just forcing thing their way. Of course I didn't like the assumption that they could take her choice and force things her way either.

Overall the story was okay. I mean there are definitely a lot of good parts, but there are just as many that grated on my nerves and honestly I liked these characters better in their supporting roles in Francince's story.