A review by heartsdesire
Lucha of the Night Forest by Tehlor Kay Mejia


What I Like:
1. The pace of the story is GOOD. I never feel it's too long or too fast so I am always hooked to read it until finish.
2. The forest is alive and brimmed with malevolent & magnificent creatures–alive or not, I LIKE THIS. It sure feels magical and solemn whenever the forest is being described.
3. The precious values inserted, ex: Lucha understood why her mom behave like that, Obispo Rio and her ‘gilded’ sanctuary that actually doesn't help the ones that need it the most–can be argued tho, and Lucha realized... (And strucked me) that in certain situation we cannot pick righteousness because we just can't because we cannot afford it. The last value has me in chokehold because it's the blistering truth.

What I Don't Like:
1. This doesn't bother me much tho: Lucha jumping to name the feeling as love for Paz and vice versa. I think it's attraction because they both barely know each other at that time.
2. Sometimes the description is not clear enough for me so I don't know what exactly happening, did Lucha do something? If yes, what did she doooo? I feel like the author uses words that aren't that clear but it's arguable since prolly my vocabulary that's limited.

Overall I enjoy reading this A LOT!! Placing this in my favourite reads, hehe.