A review by hpstrangelove
Dark Edge of Honor by Aleksandr Voinov


(Audiobook review. Narrator: Jack LeFleur) I loved this book, and Jack LeFleur's narration was spot on. I loved his reading of Sergei, but he did great with everyone. He put the perfect amount of emotion into the story to pull the reader in, never over emphasizing dialog or action scenes. And he really made the sex scenes scorching.

Along with the wonderful narration, the story was compelling. The slow development of the main characters' feelings for each other was believable, which made the betrayal that much more devastating in the end. The world building was also well done. It's easy to have a story fall into 'telling not showing' when it comes to describing a world different from ours, but that didn't happen here. All the supporting characters were as well developed as the two main ones. The only problem I had was with the relationship between two of the supporting characters which never seemed fully explained to me. Maybe that was the intent but it felt like a loose end.

This story is dark, with dub-con sex and torture, so it's not for everyone. I like a plot which, although somewhat predictable, is more than the same old m/m romance found everywhere these days.