A review by teereader
Black and Brown: Raven Assassins by A.E. Via

adventurous challenging dark emotional hopeful mysterious tense


Struggling with his grief from the loss of his beloved parents and anger over the unfairness of life, Matthew finds himself in limbo, teetering between life and death. His body is here and healthy but his mind is dying …. with everything he has ever loved ripped away from him brutally, he no longer believes in an institution he spent his life dedicated too. All that he has ever known is now tarnished with the same political and bureaucratic absurdity that took his parents. 
It’s time for a change…. 
Recognised as an intellectual genius he is recruited by the Raven’s, an organisation who promise to take away his pain in exchange for abilities beyond what others can conceive, a chance to numb all that plagues his mind, a chance to make a difference, a chance to be free  and that chance leads him too Grace, the love of his life. 

Stoic and silent, He doesn’t need words to communicate his eyes covey what he’s thinking clearly. A marksman with skill that rivals all who came before him, Grace is lethal and precise. The process he endured to become the fearsome assassin he is today turned off all his emotions, A Brown Raven is to be focused with a singular goal in mind ‘follow orders’ but Grace is no longer content in his daily life, touch becomes wanted, desires flare to the surface, need to own that beautiful man becomes too much to ignore and a man like Mirage was not made to be ignored. 

Ex and Meridian are a big part of the Brown Raven’s story and I am absolutely thankful for that! This story allows a look into the operations inner workings and what happened behind the scenes to make such a flawless team carry out their missions without failure, this is something that a reader was not made aware of in the Blacks story, this immerses you into their world fully. You also get to see a more playful side to Ex and Meridian when they interact with the Browns, bantering with worthy adversaries that have been trained the same, they are brothers in arms. 
You have a peak inside their relationship some time after their story in Nothing Special Ex & Meridian. Anybody who is a fan of Ex & Meridian will love this book. 

The scream I skrumpt when cameo’s were made by the infamous Lion and Omega and the mentions of Alpha. As a long time fan of A.E. Via’s this was so exciting for me too read, the Blue Moon saga is one of my all time favourites and they are not carried of through the other series, so to see the characters appear in this story was incredibly exhilarating.