A review by tuma
Catch My Breath by M.J. O'Shea


I really enjoyed it. Thought it was a cute and sweet story, though a bit long. I loved the characters. I'm glad I know absolutely nothing about one direction and don't follow em. Had I not read other reviews I would never have realized that this book was based on Harry/Louis. I would not have picked it up otherwise especially learning how closely it adheres to those events. It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine when writers write about a real event without adding anything of their own. I feel it shows a lack of imagination and ingenuity, and seems to be catered to making a buck. Using harry/louie or whatever as inspiration is fine, but readers shouldn't obviousky see harry and louie when it's Danny and Elliot. The two should have been allowed to be their own characters and not copies of real people. But no matter, like I said I'm a total onedirection idiot and happily so. Good thing I missed that bullet and read this book without knowing. Would have been upset to miss one of the cutest reads ever! Stayed up til 4am reading it in one sitting. Too much cuteness overload. :) And man do I hate publicity stunts and idiot fans even more now. smh.