A review by katelynd6e7e
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee


i had to read this for class, and to be honest, i didn't enjoy it. at all. i was told it would be the best book i'd have to read in high school, and now i'm dreading reading anything else.
don't get me wrong, the plot was great, the moral was great, the writing was great, and i thought the characters were great - i just didn't like it. i found the first few chapters were killing, they were so slow, and by the time i got to the good parts, it was too late. i was uninterested. once i loose interest, it's almost impossible to gain it back.
i think that a big part of me not liking this was that i was being forced to read it. had i picked it up myself, i probably would have liked it a lot better.