A review by mangoway
Asymmetry by Lisa Halliday


OK, I'll be honest. There was a deadline to when I had to finish this book so I skimmed the middle. But, from other the reviews I've read, my head scratching might have been the same if I'd read carefully through. Because halfway through the book, you're in a completely different world, with brand new characters and a story that feels like another novel fell into the middle of your novel.

So, this review will only be about the first and last sections. And it's kudos for skillful writing but...huh?

Very young, pretty copy editor gets seduced by very old, rich, famous author. He sets all the rules, she blithely adheres to them. One envies the summer in Montauk scenes and salivates over expensive dinners. But, the only moment of tension is when ickey old man health issues arise, and she bristles at being both mistress and nurse. Neither one has a redeeming or compelling 'sure-let-me-spend-300 pg-with-you' personality. I suspect that's why dropping brand new novella in the middle made sense to the author. Maybe she wasn't any more in love with her characters than I was.

Sigh. It felt like a good writer's talent wasted.