A review by lee25
Labyrinth by Kate Mosse


I first read [b:Labyrinth|14975|Labyrinth (Languedoc, #1)|Kate Mosse|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1546515370l/14975._SY75_.jpg|1225097] many years ago and absolutely loved it. About a third of the way through re-reading it, I wasn't so sure. But then I became immersed in the story and loved it again.

The history of the Cathars is so incredibly sad, and Alyce and Sajhe bring it to life. [a:Kate Mosse|9343|Kate Mosse|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1358308999p2/9343.jpg] has the most amazing way of taking the reader to her settings. (And she kindly included a walking tour of the books setting at the back of the book making me desperately want to travel though the Languedoc and walk in the modern day Alice's (and Alyce's) footsteps).