A review by novelesque_life
Not Quite So Stories by David S. Atkinson


Written by David S. Atkins
March 2016; 166 Pages
Literary Wanderlust

(I received an ARC from the AUTHOR in exchange for an honest review.)

3 Stars

"The traditional explanation for myth (including such works as the relatively modern Just so Stories by Rudyard Kiping) is an attempt by humans to explain and demystify the world. That's crap. We may be able to come to terms with small pieces, but existence as a whole is beyond our grasp. Life is absurd, ultimately beyond our comprehension. The best we can do is to proceed on with our lives in the face of that. The stories in this collection proceed from this idea, examining how the different characters manage (and/or fail) to do this." (From Publishers)

Not Quite so Stories is an interesting collection of stories. Atkinson seems to take a different approach to the "what's next" in a story. I enjoyed a few of the stories more than others, but it was interesting to read on the whole. I would recommend this collection to those that enjoy shorter prose and want something a bit different.

k (My Novelesque LIfe)