A review by lainy122
Crossover by Joel Shepherd

Did not finish book.
I was recommended this book by someone at work, and while I can definitely see why they thought I would like it, I just...didn't.

It had all the elements that I normally love - an interesting and well-rounded world build, an independent main character who is able to think for herself, a complete badass bisexual side character who completely stole the show...and yet I found I was getting bored as I read it.

I think it was partly to do with the continuous interruption of politics I didn't really care about, and partly to do with the fact that even though the reader is constantly reminded how dangerous the AI main character is, we don't really see her do anything. The one major action sequence in the book is switched to the point of view of another character, who only sees our hero emerge from the smoke.

It felt like a lot of waiting and build up with nothing to really show for it. It was very unsatisfying.

Put it down on page 384 and just never felt inspired to pick it up and read the last 60 pages. DNF.