A review by a_h_haga
Murder of Crows by Annie Bellet


Rereading in preparation to reading [b:Magic to the Bone|29558243|Magic to the Bone (The Twenty-Sided Sorceress, #7)|Annie Bellet|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1458469174l/29558243._SY75_.jpg|49434964] for the first time

Rating: 2.5/5 stars

Sooooo, yeah. I find this book both enjoyable and annoying.

Why I like it:
It takes the action out of Jade's home town - as mentioned in the original review. This is something we don't see this early in a series, because the action often comes to the MC, not the other way around, which is something that annoy me. Sure, the action here was staged to draw the MC, but still, I like the fact that they moved away from her home.

What does annoy me, however, is how stupid Jade is here. I understand she has trust issues and everything, but the way she does things here seem a bit like the author needed to create some drama, and not something Jade would do, especially considering how much she talks about not splitting the party and talking things through.

I will be honest. I considered giving this a 2/5 star rating now when rereading, but it isn't quite that bad, so instead there's a 2.5/5 star rating for my second listen.

I continue listening to this series as an audiobook.

''Murder of Crows'' is the second book in this series, and while it had a lot of great things, it wasn't just as great as the first one.
What captured me with the first book was that it was all so easy. It was a fast paced story with interesting characters that I could connect too.
I still connect to them, and I loved that already in book two of the series we're brought out of Jade's home and get a glimpst into her past, but while all that was great, I got a feeling things were a bit rushed.
The whole thing with Alec was easy in the first book, but here it was complicated from even before the story started!

So I'm still listening to the series, and will continue buying the books, but I think book three needs to grow if I'm gonna continue liking it as much