A review by gingatazar
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling


I was a bit hesitant to write something about HP because I believed someone doesn't need a review to be encouraged to read HP Series.

I just want to share how much I love this particular book that is why I am writing this. This is not really a review but, rather, a appreciation post. Here it goes:

I totally love this book. It seems like lots of HP fans love the last 2 books or the whole set but I want to set this one apart. I saw the movie first before I read this book. And seriously I was dead confused about the movie and it was even the worst movie for me back then. When I read the book, I realized, how a huge bummer I was. I fell in love with Prisoner of Azkaban.

I loved PoA because of Moony, Prongs, Padfoot and even Wormtail. I was deeply touched by their stor- friendship, love and betrayal. I really appreciate those three becoming an Animagus just for Lupin. That's real friendship right there. It made me realize how much I can do for my friends and for the people I love. I believe,it was one of the true things I found in the HP series. I will never forget that chapter, it feels like it was apart of me already.