A review by lizabethstucker
The Hunters by W.E.B. Griffin


The third installment of the President Agent series picks up right where The Hostage left off, throwing the reader headfirst into the continuing mystery of the oil-for-food scandal and who was behind the Masterson murder.

Charley Castillo finds himself promoted, given an office in D.C. and allowed to use the money recovered in Uruguay as financing. He's determined to find the people behind the murders as well as the oil-for-food ripoff, but wonders if he is capable of dealing with Montvale and others.

Threads are pulled and begin to weave together into a recognizable pattern. The investigation leads to Russia and Midland, Texas. Enemies become allies and some become friends as Charley's expands.

Another thrill ride of a read, although I have to admit that the identity of one of the villains was a shock. I was also annoyed by Fernando and his attitude toward Charley near the end. And I love Max!

I look forward to the paperback release of The Shooters, the next installment. If you like a good mix of humor, action and great characterization, get involved with Charley Castillo, Presidential Agent. Just read them in order!