A review by cr4nkyp4nts
Satisfaction Guaranteed by Karelia Stetz-Waters


After coming off of a mostly disappointing read, I needed something that would grab me and not let go. I needed my heart to be warmed and my brain needed a well-written literary hug. I started and stopped a few books and then tapped on Satisfaction Guaranteed by Karelia Stetz-Waters. I first read her a long time ago when I was a judge for GCLS (it was a secret but it doesn't matter now who knows) and remembered enjoying her book [b:The Purveyor|23120239|The Purveyor|Karelia Stetz-Waters|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1409237426l/23120239._SY75_.jpg|42664202]. I've also got a couple of NetGalley ARCs of hers that I need to read... Anyway, I tapped on the cover on my trusty Kobo Libra 2 and was immediately sucked in.

I read the first few pages Thursday night but had a busy Friday at work so I forced myself to put it away and sleep. Friday, though, I knocked off work a half hour early, grabbed the ereader and finished the book around 1am. I absolutely loved it. Every damn thing about it.

There was wonderful humor, heart-squeezing angst, real sexual discussions and interactions, and so much love. I fell in love with both Cade and Selena and honestly miss them this morning.

The writing, itself, was so good. Stetz-Waters knows how to write. Her characters had depth - especially Cade - and had their own speech patterns and I never forgot whose POV I was in because I was connected to each individual in a different way.

One of the best things about Satisfaction Guaranteed was that what I thought would happen - what I assume most authors would have done with the story - isn't what actually happened and it made the experience so much more rewarding because of it.

I can see myself rereading this one at least once a year. I've already added it to my "Reread for Mental Hugs" collection. I highly recommend this one to all my WLW reading friends. LOVED IT!