A review by pavi_fictionalworm
Demon You Love by L.A. Fiore


Also Posted on For The Love of Fictional Worlds

Disclaimer: An eARC was provided via Give Me Books PR and the Author as part of the Blog Tour. The Thoughts, opinions & feelings expressed in the review are therefore, my own.

L.A. Fiore has this innate ability to suck you into her books right from the start and just doesn’t let go; not that you would ever want to, not till the end. I experienced this with [b:Devil You Know|33360090|Devil You Know (Lost Boys, #1)|L.A. Fiore|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1485196600s/33360090.jpg|54100218] (Read My Review) and the experience has only expounded with Demon You Love.  

With Demon You Love, L.A. Fiore has created one of the most brilliant, awe inspiring heroes I have ever had the pleasure of falling for – Anton Scalene is a man with one of the roughest starts – born and abandoned in alley and at the mercy of the worst human beings – he was considered an object, a possession; he didn’t even have a name. But he had the will to live, a will to survive and a fire for vengeance. He was patient, bided his time and made himself into the man no one ever crossed – he was strong, resilient; but better than most, he was powerful. He scrimped and saved and made himself a family he was proud to be a part of; yet he was still alone. His loneliness never bothered him, until he saw how happy his best friend was with his little family. 

Still he wasn’t actively doing anything to counter his loneliness… until he met Piper.

“My demons molded me; her innocence molded her.”

Piper is a woman with dreams. No matter what obstacles life threw in her way; she never forgot to dream. Young by age; wise by experience –
she was everything Anton didn’t even know he was missing – warm, kind, thoughtful and compassionate; Piper had a light in her that attracted Anton to her right from the start.   

For Piper, Anton seems like another dream – a strong, protective man; she is *definitely* attracted to, and seems to be the only one who can see beyond his scary, dominant exterior to the loving man underneath. 

“It’s impossible because a demon has no business falling in love with an angel.” 

This is the slow burn romance that I didn’t even know I needed in my life – and the fact that it is intermingled with suspense in a way that can be only be called perfection. I will not go into the detail about the plot because spoilers
(you have no idea how hard it is for me to stop myself from spoiling the story for ya’ll!) – But if you love a brilliant anti – hero you can’t help but fall for and a woman who is his anti – thesis yet they somehow manage to shine – then Demon You Love is for you!

Don’t think. Just pick it up!  

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